Joker Logistics - International Transport Services | Joker Logistics
International Transport Services
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Land Transport

Joker Logistics offers partial and complete vehicle transport services by adopting a solution-oriented and professional approach with its modern fleet between Turkey and all European countries.

Aerial Transportation

Joker Logistics adopts to serve its  customers  with its solution oriented and excellent quality of service. Considering this mission , Airway transportation service plays a complementary role to Joker Logistics’ customers.

Sea Transportation

Today 80% of world trade takes place by sea.Joker Logistics offers intercontinental sea transportatin solutions with itsagent network and associateships.

About Us

Our company’s founders have taken an active part in the international transport sector since 1994.Our company’s all departments  which operates with solution-oriented  superior service concept and unconditional customer satisfaciton  aims to present the best possible quality of service ..


Logistic Services

Joker Logistics offers Air ,Land and Sea transport services with the awareness that to preserve the nature and the environmet is one of the basic duties.


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Contact Information

Joker Logistics has compounds in Istanbul, Click for phone and address information for all of our compounds.